Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Christina Aguilera's (Not So Little) Anthem Flub

I'm not sure if any of you caught the Super Bowl last Sunday but before it had even started their was already a catastrophic mix up. It may not have been as drastic as Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" a few years ago but it was still pretty bad. Singer Christina Aguilera, one of America's greatest pop artists actually managed to mix up the words to our National Anthem. 

Although you may not have noticed it right away, within a few minutes a multitude of YouTube videos had been posted, tweets such as @Lord_Voldemort7's stating "Did Christina Aguilera just screw up America's National Anthem? Wow, and I thought it was bad when I screwed up trying to kill that baby...", along with hundred of other media quirks that started hitting the surface. Other tweets and posts followed as news spread like wild fire. The actual mistake Aguilera made was when she dropped the line "O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming," and instead sang "What so proudly we watched at the twilight's last gleaming."

I wonder how she's dealing with this nationally recognized mistake? Do I hear another major star checking into rehab? Say hello to Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen while you're in there and we'll see you in a few months...


Click here to actually watch her mistake. 

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